
Hellens Residential wants all of their customers to feel safe and secure in their home and neighbourhood. As a housing provider, we take ASB very seriously and see it as our duty to tackle it in all its forms. There are many different types and levels of ASB, these include:

ASB is behaviour that causes or is likely to cause alarm, distress or harassment to others. Everyone is entitled to peace and quiet in their own home, so you must show consideration to your neighbours and the public by not making a lot of noise or behaving in a way that makes life unpleasant for others.

Noise nuisance

You can be a good neighbour by:

If noise nuisance becomes an issue, speak to your neighbour to try and come to an agreement. If that doesn’t work, or you don’t feel comfortable approaching a neighbour, contact your Housing Officer.

You must keep noise at a reasonable level at all times.

Noise should be kept to a minimum between 11.00pm – 7.30am

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