
Paying your rent on time and regularly is very important. If you do not you could be at risk of losing your home. Please make paying your rent a priority.

Your rent needs to be paid in advance of the payment period.

  • If you pay your rent weekly then you need to pay your rent on the Friday prior to the start of the following week and each Friday after.
  • If you pay your rent monthly then you need to pay your monthly rent amount on the same date of each month for the month forwards.

What happens if I don’t pay my rent?

If you are struggling to pay your rent, then please contact us directly to discuss your options. We will always listen to you and try to find a reasonable solution for everyone. We can work and agree an affordable repayment plan whilst providing advice and support should you wish.

If you do not pay your rent or do not tell us why you’re having a problem paying your rent, please be aware we may be forced to take the following action:

  • We will contact you via email, phone or text to ask why your rent has not been paid.
  • We will arrange a time to visit you at your home.
  • We will write to you to tell you how much you owe and request payment / you get in touch.
  • If you still persist in not paying your rent, we will write to tell you that we may take legal action to recover the amount you owe and / or the property.
  • If you still do not pay your rent or cooperate, then we will serve you with a ‘Notice of Seeking Possession’ which is the first step in taking legal action against you.
  • If the case goes to court, you will be required to pay our legal costs on top of the amount you owe.
  • If you still do not pay your rent, we may evict you from the property.

It is never our intention to make anyone homeless and we will endeavour to provide support and advice in any way possible, however we do require cooperation in order to be able to help.

Ways to Pay Your Rent

Standing Order

Pay your rent by Standing Order directly into our bank account. This will be weekly every Monday in advance.


You can also set up a regular payment with your own online banking if you have the facility.

Universal Credit

To apply for Universal Credit, you will need to complete the online form:


You will need to make sure you:

  • Have access to the Internet as you can claim and manage your account online.
  • Have an email address.
  • Have your National Insurance Number.
  • Have a bank of building society account.
  • Details of income and any savings or investments.
  • Details of childcare costs.
  • Have proof of identity.

If you receive Universal Credit you must report your April rent change to the Department of Work and Pensions via your online journal. If you don’t, then you may receive the wrong amount which if in excess would need to be repaid.

Are you eligible?

You may qualify for Universal Credit if:

  • You’re on a low income or out of work.
  • You’re aged 18 and over.
  • You’re under State Pension age (Or your partner is).
  • You and your partner have £16,000 or less in savings between you.
  • You live in the UK.

The Government provides free advice on savings:


If you have any queries about paying your rent then please telephone 0191 5946666 or email us at info@hellensresidential.co.uk

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